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Deadeye Graphix

It is with deep regret that we post to formally inform you of our intentions to permanently close our business operations. We have had a long history with the community and have forged many friendships and invaluable partnerships; but have since found it increasingly difficult to cope with rapidly changing tastes, technological advances, and the ongoing harsh economic climate.

We have explored many options to keep our doors open without much success; and as a result, we are left with no option but to close our doors. As of December 31, 2014 we will no longer be doing business.

We at Deadeye Graphix are extremely proud of its many years of service to the community and surrounding areas and express our gratitude to the many loyal customers. We are humbled by your support and by the many words of encouragement and creative solutions offered by well-wishers.  We have no doubt that we will someday return to serving you, our valued patrons, in a manner that engenders the same trust and respect afforded us over the years. Until then, we wish everyone all the success in all future endeavors.


Nick, Matt and Shon